Digitizing Apprenticeship

  • Classroom Padleting

    Why use Padlet in your classroom? RQ: How can using Padlet in my classroom be part of my andragogy? Padlet allows for quick sharing for individual students or groups while letting students see what other students are thinking. Padlet can be used both synchronously and asynchronously for collaborative learning. Its “word wall” technology is a…

  • 5025/4001


    Our UFT-CWE chapter is a professional learning community. How can we measure andragogic gains, using digital tools?

  • Plugged Out

    Plugged Out

    an ORLD 5815 f23 artifact

  • UbD DL-PD

    UbD DL-PD

    My first attempt at using the Understanding by Design framework.

  • AI 4 UFT-CWE

    AI 4 UFT-CWE

    Many thanks to Thao Vu and Chelsey Barber for leading our chapter’s Digital Literacy PD. (#4!)

  • archaeological phenomenology

    archaeological phenomenology

    A vibrant USA construction trades movement, building into the clouds, may appear to have nothing to do with Vikings annealing bronze artifacts millennia ago. But we need each other in the Anthropocene.