
UFT-CWE DL-PD Training #5

Big Idea:

What DL standards apply
across CWE’s workforce development programs?

Desired Results

Goals: Practicing aligning ISTE, NYSED, NSQ and UNESCO digital literacy standards to an activity with a digital component will deepen our understandings of our andragogies.


  • We should create DL standards that are meaningful to all of our members.
  • Standards alignment is a means, not an ends. Uncovering standards aligned to what you want to do in your class offers a deeper, meta-cognitive understanding of your personal pedagogy.
  • Standards are not “things we have to do,” they challenge us to do our jobs better.

Participants will acquire: familiarity with a variety of DL standards as well as proficiency with standards alignment techniques. Also using Padlet.


Performance Tasks:

  • draw connections between digital literacy (DL) standards and an activity they design, with a digital component
  • Criteria are TBD, as this is our first time rollout, however, did instructors mimic my model, or create something original?

Roles: Each instructor will design an activity for their classes with a digital component that they will then align to a various digital literacy standards.

Audience: all members of the UFT-CWE.

Situation: An online PD training for UFT-CWE members on applying digital literacy standards to our personal andragogies.

Products: Participants will draw something to align digital literacy standards to an activity they would like to do in their classroom with a digital component. The drawings will encourage instructors to reflect upon

  1. how standards can improve their andragogies
  2. specific standards related to each instructors’ way of teaching.

Criteria for Success: my model

Instructors will produce a drawing illustrating how DL standards are aligned to an activity with a digital component that each design.

Completing a Post Training Satisfaction Survey will be requested.

Where u @?Padlets!
Hold interestall the bells and whistles of my Green Building lesson
Equip participantsHow to use Padlets, survey DL standards online, draw connections between standards and instructional delivery
Rethink & Revise“what do standards mean to you?”
Evaluate work and implicationssurvey
Tailored to differencesThe “Big Idea” is all about the fact that each of us in UFT-CWE teaches unique content, in unique contexts, leading to the difficulty for each of us to share standards across our UFT-CWE chapter.



