lots of action ready to go
Welcome GCP 04-22! Our launch today is my last voyage captaining a 2021 worker education class, making me un peu pensive.
Why I chose a career in worker education is that I despise cubicles. For the last decade, I have been in classrooms where most of us felt the same. A couple of months after COVID hit, under duress, I set sail aboard a raft I named the ubercrawl with BCP 134.
Unlike most experiences my colleagues suffered, trades math, instilled with labor traditions, shone bright as my lodestar. Every iteration, every upgrade, my raft evolved into the battleship we now crew.
No matter what happens next year and beyond, I know my starry ship will be retired. Which make this voyage, for me, rather poignant.
I hear good things about your crew, and will make an exception to my ship’s rules, a query: what would you like to learn about green trades math? Please post a reply, as a comment, below.