Welcome to Boricua College’s Biology I Class
Revised for Fall 2019 class:
A couple of quick considerations about this class:
- I teach in Manhattan until 5PM, so I will just make the 6PM class. In order to avoid time management issues, each class will begin with a “news clipping” about recent scientific discoveries, with a list of questions to be answered and handed in by 6:15-6:20. Your answers will be part of your grade.
- Currently, both RP-2 and Summer classes use this website’s calendar. The dates in parenthesis are the Summer ’19 dates.
- Besides the official sign in sheet, I take my own attendance, so I can get to know your names. Please make sure I check you off on my computer every class you attend.
- I use a projector in this class, so you will have to move your chair to see the back wall, as well as the chalkboard, and not have the projector light hit you in the face.
PLEASE NOTE: At the end of class, as a courtesy to the Environmental Staff, please move your chair back to the way it was when you sat down. - I start the class promptly at 6:00PM. If you are late getting to class, please be respectful to the class, and enter quietly, and try to quickly catch up to the classroom activity (see above).
- You need to take notes for this class! The midterm and final are open notes, and I want everyone to pass. Not taking notes will make that difficult. I will grade your notebooks the week before the midterm and final. At the beginning of class I will cover the chalkboard with what’s going on that day, and will expect you to write down what you see there.
NOTE: using your phone to take snapshots of what’s on the board/back wall is not “notetaking” — you will need a pen and paper to take notes. - Homeworks cannot be submitted late! See the syllabus below to see which class each homework is due. I cannot accept late submissions in this class because it is so large.
How to get a SM in this class:
There are four ways you can get points in this class:
- In-class assignments — At the beginning of most classes a short reading assignment with questions will be assigned. Correct answers, handed in by 6:20 PM will receive points.
- Homework assignments — Most weeks an assignment, due in a subsequent class, can be handed in at the later class for points.
NO LATE SUBMISSIONS. - Group Presentations — The scientific information of Classes 7 and 13 will be presented by groups of students in the class.
Only the oral presentations will be graded.
NOTE: the information presented by the student groups will be included on the Midterm and Final. - Midterm and Final — The midterm will cover Classes 1-7 and the final will cover Classes 9-14 (not cumulative).
“Extra credit” assignments are only possible if all of the above are submitted prior to assigning extra credit assignments.
you can get the textbook at DealOz for less than $20.
Biology I RP-2/(Summer 2019) Schedule
Class # | Readings | Assignments |
9/13/19 1 |
9/20/19 2 |
9/27/19 3 |
10/4/19 4 |
10/11/19 5 |
10/18/19 6 |
10/25/19 7 |
11/1/19 8 |
11/8/19 9 |
11/15/19 10 |
11/22/19 11 |
11/29/19 12 |
Our Hominin Family
12/6/19 13 |
Class Presentations
12/13/19 14 |
10/20/19 15 |
Grades Submitted |
6/6/19 15 |