
    Please answer as many or few questions as you prefer.

    Focus Questions

    1. Learning online, compared to how I learned in the past, is

    easy.a little bit of a problem.difficult.

    2. I prefer a

    virtual classroom.physical classroom.

    3. When I’m learning online I prefer to use a


    4. I prefer to

    download a big document and scrollbrowse a series of short webpages

    5. This website, compared to other websites you used is

    better.the same.worse.

    6. During your time in the Trades Math Class, were you able to master the math skills demonstrated in class?

    a lot.a little.nothing at all.

    Quick Ratings

    On a scale of 1 to 5, (5 being best) I found this website’s

    Homepage well designed

    Resources easy to access

    Trades Math Materials challenging

    Curriculum useful

    Short Answer

    Please answer the following questions in only 1-2 sentences.

    Free Form Responses

    • Did you take a previous online class that offered you personalized assessments?

    • If so, how does this website compare?

    • How did you feel about receiving math questions different than everybody else in the class?

    • Did you take a previous online class that offered you itemized assessments?

    • If so, how does this website compare?

    • How did you feel about receiving feedback/grades that showed you what you got right and wrong, including a personalized answer key?

    • Did you take a previous online class that offered you opportunities for group work, immediately assessed?

    • If so, how does this website compare?

    • How did you feel about working in groups and receiving immediate feedback?

    As COVID recedes, how we return to “normal” will likely include questions about how much, if any, of the rapid transition to a 100% online learning platform should be retained in future years. How would you like to see online learning like you experienced this year continue in your education pathway? Not at all? Entirely? Please explain how you think this year’s online learning should be incorporated into your future studies as a construction trades apprentice.