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____________________________________________________________ 1. CONTACT INFORMATION
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Social Security #
Program Start Date
Email Address
Apartment #
Zip Code
Cell Phone
Work Phone
____________________________________________________________ 2. GENDER
MaleFemaleX ‘X’ includes Trans, Non-Binary, Two-Spirit, and Binary people and people who don’t want to disclose their gender identity
____________________________________________________________ 3. RACE/ETHNIC IDENTITY
Native American or Alaskan NativeAfrican American/African/Afro-CaribbeanLatino or HispanicWhite (not Latino/a)Other If Other, please describe
Country of Birth
Date of US Settlement
Native Language
Immigrant? YesNo
Refugee? YesNo
____________________________________________________________ 4. Employment Status
Employed Full-TimeEmployed Part-TimeUnemployedNot available for employmentSelf-employedReceived a 1099 Form for work If unemployed, how long Years: Months:
Employer’s Name
Job Title
Hourly Rate of Pay
Average hours worked weekly
Work Location
____________________________________________________________ 5. MARITAL STATUS
Number of Adults in Household
Number of Children (under 18 y.o.) in Household
Average Household Income
0 – $14,999$15,000 – $24,999$25,000 – $34,999$35,000 – $44,999$45,000 – $54,999$55,000 – $64,999$65,000 – $74,999> $75,000
Are you a Veteran? YesNo
____________________________________________________________ 6. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE
Not received Public AssistanceSNAP (EBT card)MEDICAIDSection 8 AssistanceOld-aged AssistanceSupplemental Security Income (SSI)Social Security Disability (SSD)Safety NetAid to the Blind or Totally DisabledOther If Other, please specify
Case Number
Are you collecting Unemployment Insurance Benefit? YesNo
____________________________________________________________ 7. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND
Less than 12 GradeHigh School DiplomaPost Secondary EducationOther If Other, please specify
Credential (Certifications and Licenses) achieved in the US:
____________________________________________________________ 8. UNION AFFILIATION
Are you a Union Member or Family of a Union Member? YesNo
If Yes, are you a MemberFamily of a Member
Union Affiliation
Local Number
____________________________________________________________ 9. School Aged Children
Are you the parent or guardian of children under the age of 21? YesNo
If yes, are you a single parent? YesNo
If yes, enter number of children at each level Pre-school Elementary Junior High School High School Post-Secondary
____________________________________________________________ 10. POPULATION CATEGORIES
HomelessIn Correctional FacilityOther InstitutionalizedHigh School Graduate or EquivalentDisplaced HomemakersHead of HouseholdDisabledEnrolled in Other Education/TrainingVeteransDislocated WorkersEmployed at 200% of Poverty LevelLow IncomeNYCHA ResidentLearning DisabledNon Native English SpeakerOther If Other, please describe
____________________________________________________________ 11. REFERRAL SOURCE
Workers UnionOther If Other, please describe
____________________________________________________________ 12. WORKER GOALS
Obtain a JobRetain Current JobImprove Current JobEnter TrainingEnter an Apprenticeship ProgramEarn High School DiplomaEnter Post-Secondary EducationImprove Basic Literacy SkillsImprove English Literacy SkillsOther If Other, please describe