Boricua College Biology I — Thanksgiving Virtual Class
All media is now available for download.
The links below will take you either to a video clip, information about the video, or a worksheet for you to complete so to receive credit for Thanksgiving week’s class. Click on the ‘worksheet’ link to download/print out, click on the associated ‘video clip’ link to watch the movie, and answer the questions on the worksheet.
The completed worksheets must be handed in the following week (November 30th). NO LATE SUBMISSIONS. When you hand in your worksheets, you will sign the attendance sheet for that class. Also, to minimize copyright issues, I will only keep the GATTACA and Hitchhiker’s video clips online between the following dates: 11/20 — 11/27.
Sustainable Human — draw a food web diagram, including all of the species listed on the worksheet, like the one we made of the coral reef
Queen of Trees (NOTE: first 15 minutes only) — draw a food web diagram, including all of the species listed on the worksheet, like the one we made of the coral reef
GATTACA (Chapters 1-4) — watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet
- imdb
- video clip
- worksheet
- news clip on “Designer Babies“
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Chapters 18-21) — watch the video and answer the questions on the worksheet
Here is some information about the coral reef video we saw in class. It is not part of the Thanksgiving assignment!
Blue Planet (Coral Seas, Chapters 3-8)